Saturday, August 21, 2010

My New Motto

I read Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love a few years ago. I always recommend the book to just about anyone going through anything even remotely unpleasant in life and frequently gave it as a present. It's a fun take on the "self help" book that is sure to guarantee a few giggles and moments of self reflection.
That being said, I didn't love the movie nearly as much (but I'd still say it's worth seeing). It was a little long whereas the book was an enjoyable quick read. On a side note, Julia Roberts looks great all over the news and magazines, as well as in her first ever cosmetic's advertising campaign.

After reading the book, I decided to implement my own eat, pray, love plan to get over or work through any issues I had (albeit most were minor). But I'll be honest; that just resulted in a lot of eating, none of which occurred in fabulous Roman restaurants like where Elizabeth dined. I really can't put wheat Eggo waffles in the same category as fresh pasta sauce or the best pizza in italy, even though I do love them and might even argue they can get anyone through some tough times.

With some careful consideration I came up with a fool proof plan: Eat, Run, Shop. Much more to my liking with the added bonus of burning off those extra eggo calories. This combination will you get through just about anything, including a painfully slow unpacking process that feels like it'll never end. And, more importantly you don't need to fly anywhere to accomplish it. Trust me: Eat. Run. Shop.

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