Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back to the Pitts

I’m officially back to the city with obnoxious sports fans and never ending road construction. But hey, at least with stifling humidity it’s not cold out.

I am a huge sports fan and love my Patrick Willis jersey as much as the next gal but the city of Pittsburgh takes it to an entirely new level. Waves and waves of Steeler jerseys hit innocent and unsuspecting by-standers every Sunday (and of course, the occasional Saturday preseason game like yesterday). I believe you shouldn’t attend a game without wearing a jersey, absolutely, but Steeler fans also attempt to rock the jerseys for a night out on the town.

Scenario A: Sometimes they’ll just go into a nice restaurant fully aware they are not to dress code in their Roethlisberger jersey and flip flops but it’s Pittsburgh so no Steelers fan will ever be turned away. The fashion of the city begins to suffer.

Scenario B: And then, there is my personal favorite: attempting to “dress” up the jersey with a pair of knee high boots, gold bangles, and a short black skirt. People seemingly accept this as a good fashion choice. I do not agree and the city fashion slips just a bit further.

I can’t wait to start snapping some photos of Scenario B.

…And it’s time for Niner kick off!


  1. "the fashion of the city begins to suffer" hahahaha

    takeo spikes interview in the third quarter was adorable. loved it

  2. um yes. LOVE TKO! It made my life.

  3. The Worst of "Scenario B" album would be epic!

  4. This is hilarious, though typical of the smug West Coast...I think the pink Roethlisberger jersey was made exclusively for Scenario B.

    According to my older brother, this is the Steeler jersey dress code (for future reference):

    Black Aaron Smith Jersey: Home games/work around the house

    White Polamalu: Away games, formal functions (weddings), and any time he travels on a plane
